Simple 30 Minute Core Strength Routine!

Building and maintaining core strength and stability is essential for any cyclist, especially the specific demands of XC mountain biking. Having a strong connection between our upper and lower body can help fight off fatigue, produce more power to the pedals, and aid in balance and coordination.

Coach Jackson has developed a quick and simple 30-minute core routine of some of his favorite exercises that require little equipment. He’s a proponent of working core into the training program year-round, and doing this routine 2 or 3 times per week is fantastic for maintenance.

This is meant to be run through pretty quickly with little rest to get the most out of the set. The workout is composed of 3 “blocks” made up of 3 exercises each, to be done for 1 minute each, in quick succession before a short 30-60 second break between sets. Complete each block 2 or 3 times before moving on to the next one. Here’s the setup:

Block #1:

  • plank progression: 60 sec normal plank, 30 sec each side side plank

  • superman x 60 sec

  • windshield wipers x 60 sec

Block #2:

  • bird dogs x 60 sec

  • kayakers x 60 sec (with or without weight)

  • pushups x 10 reps

Block #3:

  • glute bridge x 60 sec (with optional variations)

  • bicycle kicks x 60 sec

  • dead bugs x 60 sec

Then, finish with some light stretching, such as the couch stretch and pigeon pose, or whatever stretches you prefer!

What are some of your favorite at-home core exercises? This is just one example, and I like to mix it up with different variations on the routine as well as including new and creative exercises to keep it fresh. Here’s to being a well-rounded, strong athlete!
